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How to embed Scoot into your Platform

Need help embedding Scoot into your platform? Here's a guide on how to do it!

Embedding URL

The following query parameters can be added to the URL for a room to automatically advance a user past the Guest View where they are asked to add a display name.  The three query parameters we support are:

  1. firstname

  2. lastname

  3. email

An example would be - https://us.scoot.app/room/856a93a5-62af-444f-9b2b-c50968d88961?firstname=Test&lastname=User&email=testuser@mycompany.com  

By doing this, users accessing a room from the UAU Platform would enter directly into the room and would not need to go through the extra step of adding a display name.  This also ensures that the host of the event will be able to see the attendee information within reporting after the event.  This approach works if you are able to dynamically create the URL with the information from the user. 

If the iframed URL is static for all users, this won't work.