Scoot is supported on iOS and mobile browser for Android.
iOS App
The native iOS app for Scoot is currently supported on iOS Mobile dev ices and iPads. While using the iOS app, you get hte full attendee experience of Scoot. The iOS app hass a joystick for easier navigation and allows attendees to enter as guests, move around a room, watch presentations, and interact with Smart Badges.
Currently, the iOS app is not enabled for hosting funtionality. If you plan to run an event on Scoot, it is recommended that you use our web app on a PC or Mac for the full hosting experience.
Android Mobile Brower
Android devices, including Chromebooks, mobile phones, and other tablets support Scoot in their mobile browser. This means that users joining from one of these devices can simply past the link of the room into their Chrome Browser and enter the Scootaverse. While there are still limitations to hosting functionality, attendees get the full experience of Scoot on their mobile device.
Note: our mobile apps are designed to bring attendees the full experience of Scoot. Presenters, hosts, and account managers who need access to all features and tools should always use a PC or Mac during events.